Secondary Teaching for Mastery Embedding and Sustaining Work Groups are for all departments that have previously participated in Teaching for Mastery Development Work Groups and all Cohort 1-5 Mastery Specialist Departments.
The focus will be on working on their planned developments, as well as sharing and critiquing them with a group of schools in a professional learning community.
Who can take part?
Participation is for schools that have either participated in Development Work Groups or the Mastery Specialist Programme. Lead participants continue to be Mastery Advocates, and key teachers from a Mastery Specialist’s department. Particular Work Group sessions may also be joined by participants’ departmental colleagues.
What is involved?
This project is for departments who participated in a Secondary Teaching for Mastery Development Work Group, or who have a member of their department who is part of the Mastery Specialist Programme. Mastery Advocates will meet regularly throughout the year, and the content of departments’ development plans will be the stimulus for how joint work will be devised and undertaken.
Focus will be on the department’s planned developments, as well as sharing and critiquing them with a group of schools in a professional learning community.
- Your students will develop a deep, secure and connected understanding of the maths they are learning
- You will continue to develop teaching for mastery approaches consistently across your department
- You and your department will collaborate to create a coherent curriculum in a culture of professional learning
- You will develop and implement a coherent and ambitious sustained development plan
What is the cost?
The Secondary Teaching for Mastery – Embedding and Sustaining project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating schools.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at
Secondary Teaching for Mastery – Embedding and Sustaining Flyer