Who can take part?
This programme is designed Senior Leaders, Inclusion Leads and SENCOs, having responsibility for pupils with SEND and whole school changes.
What is involved?
- An opportunity to support Mainstream School Leaders with the teaching tools, approaches and resources when working with and differentiating Numeracy lessons for pupils with SEND impacting on pupil progress.
- An opportunity to develop skills to share with the whole school when working with pupils with SEND.
- This innovation can be accessed by Senior Leaders, Inclusion Leads and SENCOs, supporting pupils with SEND.
- This work group will build foundation skills to prepare for then moving on to Teaching for Mastery for SEND pupils.
- Greater understanding of barriers to learning and how these affect particular students with SEND
- Improved access to the maths curriculum and inclusive practice
- Understand approaches to assess pupils’ prior learning, so that learning sequences take this into account
- A resource compiling of the case study exemplifications of what has worked with particular students with specific SEND in mathematics learning
What is the cost?
The Accessing Numeracy for SEND Pupils project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating schools/colleges.
*The London Central and West Maths Hub reserves the right to charge a £75 fee for non-attendance to the sessions or for cancellations to any of the sessions with less than 1 weeks’ notice.**
Dates and link to apply:
Work Group with Michelle Baker APPLY NOW
Session 1 – Thursday 25th January, 1:00pm-3:00 at Castlebar School
Session 2 – Tuesday 27th February , 1:00pm-3:00pm at Castlebar School
Session 3 -Tuesday 19th March , 1:00pm-3:00pm at Castlebar School
Session 4 – Tuesday 23rd April, 1:00pm-3:00pm at Castlebar School
Session 5 – Tuesday 28th May, 1:00pm-3:00pm at Castlebar School
If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at admin@lcwmathshub.co.uk